Simona's Christmas Favourite

Today I am very excited to welcome Simona, the fantastic blogger behind Sky's Book Corner to my blog. She is going to talk about her Christmas tradition and also about a very special memory. Have a look at the gorgeous pics! Simona, all yours: 

Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. I love the festive songs, lights and atmosphere.

I’d like to tell you about two things today: One of my favourite Christmas related memories and my every year Christmas tradition.

Let’s start with the memory. Two years ago, I was asked to be a Christmas angel from the baroque era at a Christmas concert. Everybody was telling me I’d be perfect fort he part with my golden curls... Oh well, I decided to do it. I got a beautiful angel dress with wings, great jewellery and I painted my nails golden. Before the concert I had to sit next to the Christmas tree, where the audience passed to get to their seats. It was great seeing the people’s reactions. Some smiled at me, some just walked by thinking I don’t know what and others came and talked to me. Especially the children were so cute and they wanted to take pictures with me.  During the concert I had to interact with the choir, I sat on a huge golden throne, played little scenes with a child angel and Santa and got to sing as well. It was an amazing experience, I loved it! I’ll never forget the reactions of the audience and my friends.

Now, I’d like to tell you about my favourite Christmas tradition, it includes drinks and sweets. Baking Christmas cookies has been a tradition at my house for years. I baked them with my grandparents and now mostly with my mum or some friends. We listen to Christmas songs, dance around, sing and prepare everything for the cookies. My favourites are “Mailänderli”, I think they call it Swiss shortbread in the other countries. They are kind of a mixture between butter, sugar and flower with some lemon in there. Then I also like the “Spitzbuben”, it’s the ones with jam in between. As for the drinks, there is only one: mulled-wine. It’s just so yummy and perfect for Christmas!!!

I hope you liked my little Christmas favourites, thank you Alba for inviting me to write a guest post for your beautiful blog.

Love, Simona Elena xxx 
Visit Simona's fantastic blog: Sky's Book Corner
And follow her on Facebook and Twitter 

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