Bookish Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Welcome to Bookish Recipes, a feature on the blog where I cook or bake a recipe from a book I have loved and share the result with you. This week's recipe is inspired by the book Ivy Lane by Cathy Bramley. A real tale of friendship, love and family, Ivy Lane is a heart-warming novel that you cannot miss. Who could have though life in an allotment could be so entertaining?

At the end of the book Cathy has included recipes for each season of the year related to the story. Some of them sound fantastic, like the risotto primavera or the Moroccan chickpea salad. But when I saw the chocolate chip cookies recipe I couldn't resist. I have to admit that I love them but I've had some pretty big baking disasters with cookies so I took this recipe as a challenge and I think I passed with honours!  

1) Gather all the ingredients. First, beat together the butter with the sugar until they are well combined. Then add the vanilla extract and the egg and beat well.
2) Sift together the flour and the bicarbonate and add it to the mixture, stirring until you have a dough.
3) Fold in the chocolate pieces. As you can see I decided to go for both dark and white chocolate for my cookies, but that's up to you. 
4) In theory you have to chill the dough overnight (or even 24h) but if you are like me and can't wait for the cookies, just let it chill for about an hour (I think I left it on the fridge for a couple of hours)
4) Preheat the oven to 180º C (350º F) and divide the dough in 15 golf ball sized pieces. Put them, well spaced, on a greased baking tray and bake for 15 minutes. They should be a bit golden. 
5) Let the cookies cool. First, a couple of minutes on the tray and then in a wire rack. I have to admit though that I ate a couple of them when they were still warm and they were amazing!

The recipe was really easy to follow (no disasters today!) and the result is amazing. Nothing can beat home baked chocolate chip cookies. Enjoy!

About the book: 

Title: Ivy Lane
Author: Cathy Bramley
Published: February 26th 2015 by Transworld Books

Blurb: Tilly Parker needs a fresh start, fresh air and a fresh attitude if she is ever to leave the past behind and move on with her life. As she seeks out peace and quiet in a new town, taking on a plot at Ivy Lane allotments seems like the perfect solution.

But the friendly Ivy Lane community has other ideas and gradually draw Tilly in to their cosy, comforting world of planting seedlings, organizing bake sales and planning seasonal parties.

As the seasons pass, will Tilly learn to stop hiding amongst the sweetpeas and let people back into her life – and her heart?

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5 comentaris

  1. A chocolate chip cookie can make just about anything better... yours look delicious!

  2. I agree with JoAnn -- chocolate chip cookies are classic and yummy. The book sounds like a light summer read.

  3. No cookies for me - despite the temptation. Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  4. I love chocolate chip cookies, but who doesn't? Ivy Lane sounds cozy! I just planted some herbs and flowers today, and it would have been nice to sit out in the yard with this book and some iced coffee afterwards!

  5. I'm a sucker for chocolate chip cookie recipes, always room to try yet another. And so worth it!
