Book Reviews
Joanna Bolouri
My 2015 Favourite Reads
Book Review: I Followed the Rules by Joanna Bolouri
Title: I Followed the Rules
Author: Joanna Bolouri
Published: July 2nd 2015 by Quercus
Amazon | Amazon UK
Blurb: Rule 1: Never ask him on a first date. Rule 2: Laugh admiringly at all his jokes. Rule 3: Always leave him wanting more.
. . . wtf?!
Have you heard of The Rules of Engagement? It's a book that promises to teach you to find the man of your dreams in ten easy steps. Unsurprisingly, I don't own a copy. What is it, 1892?
But I'm a journalist, and I've promised to follow it to the letter and write about the results. Nevermind that my friends think I'm insane, I'm stalking men all over town and can't keep my mouth shut at the best of times.
My name is Cat Buchanan. I'm thirty-six years old and live with my daughter in Glasgow. I've been single for six years, but that's about to change. After all, I'm on a deadline.
I Followed the Rules and this is what happened.
First of all I would like to thank the publishers for sending me a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*
Review: I really enjoyed Joanna Bolouri's debut, The List. It was such a fun book that had me laughing out loud non-stop for hours! So I started I Followed the Rules with high expectations. When after a couple of pages I was already crying of laughter, I knew I was in for a real treat. And what a treat! I enjoyed I Followed the Rules even more than The List and I couldn't stop grinning while reading it. It is one of those reads that make you feel so good that you go all day round with a huge smile plastered on your face telling everyone who will listen what a fantastic book you are reading.
I Followed the Rules tells the story of Cat Buchanan, a journalist who writes a weekly column about the life of a single mother. But lately, her columns haven't been so witty and fun and her editor wants something more. Enter here: The Rules of Engagement. Cat has to follow the rules to land the perfect fiance while reporting everything to her readers. Obviously, the rules couldn't be more different to Cat's attitude towards dating and flirting with men but she does try her best to follow them, which causes some awkward and equally hilarious situations.
There was not a thing in this novel that I didn't love. Cat was one of the best leading roles I have read in a while. Her jokes and her way of seeing life was just spot on. She is one of those characters you wish they existed in real life and actually were your best friend. And her daughter was a real gem. As were the supporting characters, like Cat's sister and her husband, really caring but a bit too intrusive in Cat's love life. Or Cat's ex, who was about to marry his Gothic girlfriend (this also caused some more hilarious encounters).
I Followed the Rules is a real treat that I highly recommend. Unexpected, quirky and hilarious, I am sure it'll be one of my books of the year. I can assure that will leave you will a content heart and some more eye wrinkles after all the laughing!
1 comentaris
This sounds great. Will add it to my wish list.