A very bookish Christmas with Simona


Hello Simona and welcome to Alba in Bookland's Christmas special! Let's start, best Christmas present from your childhood:

One present I can remember and was over the moon about was my first mobile phone. I kept on bugging my parents to get me one, because all my friends were getting one, I even made a list fort hem with advantages to have a phone, they still said no. Well, then at Christmas I got one, best surprise gift ever!!!

Most ridiculous Christmas Carol:

Well, I actually love the songs, but when you listen to the lyrics they don’t make any sense at all, they are just fun. Yes, they actually have a meaning and it’s all connected to the bible and the church, but if you just look at the lyrics, it’s pretty funny. 

A Christmas Day tradition: 

At our house and in most households in Switzerland we celebrate Christmas on the 24th, so Christmas Eve. Well, I always watch a Christmas movie when I get read for the night and make some last minute preparations and one thing that is the same every year, is the food. We always have Fondue Chinoise (Meat Fondue), which is great. 

A Christmas book you would like turned into a movie

Oh god! You know that this is kind of an impossible question for a booklover right?! I’m going for Sleigh Bells in the Snow by Sarah Morgan, I think that would make a fab movie. The beautiful setting in the mountains, the magical and festive atmosphere, the fab characters and the storyline <3. 

Favourite Christmas Villain:

I gotta go with the Angry Elf in Elf here, I just loved the scenes with him. I can’t remember that much, but just hilarious and very entertaining! 

Thank you Simona for stopping by and answering all my festive questions! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Check out Simona's fantastic blog: Sky's Book Corner

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1 comentaris

  1. Third time lucky posting this. loved reading the interview. I have never tried fondue.
