Book Reviews
Johnny Be Good
Paige Toon
Johnny Be Good
I actually cannot believe that I had never read a book by Paige Toon before this weekend. I mean, she is like really big in Chick Lit but somehow I never got around to read one of her books. But since I started blogging and tweeting I realised that it had to change. It was time to read one of her books (or four, like I ended up doing the last three days). Since she published her last book on January and it was the fourth book of a series I decided to start with the first one of the series: Johnny Be Good.
And I totally loved it! Johnny Jefferson is a rock star who follows the motto Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll quite literally. Saying that he is afraid of commitment is an understatement. So when the naive Meg Styles lands a job as her new PA and develops a crush on him she is in for Trouble, with the big T. Soon Meg finds herself trapped in this world of luxury and wild parties and she cannot talk about it with her old friend and her family. This is why when Christian, an old friend of Johnny's, goes to LA to visit him, he instantly becomes a friend for her too. They click from the beginning and you get the feeling that he is into her.
As Meg gets to know Johnny better, she starts to see hope in their future. Under all the addictions, parties and women, there is a man to fight for. Maybe she is the one who can change him for good. But is he ready to change for her? Then the unexpected happens and then it's her who is not that sure about them anymore...
My opinion
The book is a total page-turner and I couldn't put it down. Paige Toon's writing is so fast-paced and her descriptions are perfect, you can see yourself there perfectly and that is something I love. Also her characters are great, so vivid. The minor characters have their part in the story and make the book even better and some of them are so lovable!
I totally fell in love with Paige and her style and I couldn't believe that it took me so long to discover her! Luckly for me, she has published quite a lot of books so I'm in for a treat with any of them. But after the end of Johnny Be Good, I was so hooked with the story (it is one of that ends that leaves you like: and what happens now??? please, please tell me!!!) that I had to keep reading about Meg, Johnny and Christian. As I said, I read the four books of the series so I'll be back tomorrow with the review of the second one: Baby Be Mine.
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