Guest Post
Jenny Hale
Guest Post: Why is Love Me for Me the perfect beach read? by Jenny Hale
Today I am very pleased to welcome the fantastic author Jenny Hale who is going to talk a bit about her latest book, Love Me for Me. Jenny, over to you now!
Why is Love Me for Me the perfect beach read?
In Love Me for Me, I thought it would be fun to take my favorite spot in Virginia and ask myself, “What if someone thought this was the very worst place to be? What would that be like?” With those questions, Libby Potter was born. Libby Potter has run away from White Stone, Virginia and moved to New York, leaving everything and everyONE behind. Until she’s forced to return. And that’s when I get to show you my favorite spot. So, why is Love Me for Me a perfect beach read? My answer is because I took my idea of beach perfection and weaved a story around that lovely place that I call home once a summer. In Love Me for Me, I can take you there too. (And it doesn’t hurt that you get to meet Pete Bennett, who I guarantee, will be your next Book Boyfriend!)
Libby Potter has just lost the perfect job, the perfect apartment and the perfect boyfriend. Moving back to the same home town that she couldn’t wait to escape when she was younger was
definitely not on her to-do list. Especially as it means running into the man whose heart she broke when she left.
Pete Bennett can still walk into a room and make Libby’s world stop with just the sound of his voice – even ten years on. Only now, she is the last person in the world that he wants to see.
As everyone else welcomes Libby home with open arms, she realizes she’s missed that special closeness that comes from lifelong friendship. And, as Libby tries to make amends with Pete, she begins to wonder whether she made the right choice in leaving all those years ago.
When an amazing career opportunity gives her the chance to leave again, Libby will have to decide what her version of perfect is… and where she really belongs.
Jenny Hale
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