Emma Louise's Christmas Favourite

Today I am very excited to welcome Emma Louise, the fantastic blogger behind emmaloubookblog.wordpress.com to my blog. She is going to talk about what she loves about Christmas. Emma Louise, all yours: 

Emma Louise

My favourite aspect of Christmas is spending time with family. As I've grown older, I've realised that the festive period isn't about which new hair dryer I'll receive or which DVDs my Mum has sneakily bought while I've been at the supermarket with me. It's about family. Our family has lost two important members during the last six years and this year, it will mark the anniversary of my Mum being Cancer free for the second year! It's not about the films on TV, the birthday presents on Boxing Day or who gets the last pig-in-blanket (my Grandad probably!), it's about spending time together without the stress of jobs.

I hope that wherever you are in the world - England, Spain, America, New Zealand or China, I hope you and your family have a Christmas to remember.

Twitter: @EmmaIsWriting
Book Blog: www.emmaloubookblog.wordpress.com

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