Aven Ellis
Holly Martin
J K Rowling
Ken Follett
Lindsey Kelk
Marian Keyes
Nicholas Sparks
Paige Toon
Sophie Kinsella
Top 10
Top 10 Tuesdays
The Ten Authors I Have Read the Most Books From
This summer, one of the Top Ten Tuesday topics was exactly this. Back then I didn’t do it but I have been wondering since then which authors I have read the most books from and if they were actually my favourite authors.
After checking Goodreads and my memory (as I only started using it a couple of years ago), I was quite surprised to see the authors that came up. Some of them are from before I started blogging. I guess that’s because thanks to the blog I have discovered so many new and fantastic authors that I no longer have the time to read all the back lists of an author I enjoy. This is something I used to do a lot. When I discovered a new author, then I would read all the books they had published until then straight away. But now with all the new releases I want to read I don’t have enough time to do that.
Anyway, here are the top ten authors I have read the most books from:
1) Sophie Kinsella (14 books). No surprise here. I have read all she has written so far except for her latest Shopaholic release (which is on my kindle and I’m planning to read asap. Actually, I have also read one of her Madeilene Wickham books (even if I didn’t enjoyed it that much) which makes the grand total 15 books.
2) Lindsey Kelk (13 books). Also one my all time favourite authors. When I first discovered her, she was on her 5th book so I read them all in a couple of weeks and completely fell in love with her witty style.
3) Paige Toon (10 books). I first read her books when I started blogging as there were a lot of bloggers that were raving about her and her books and I absolutely loved her stories. In the last couple of years I have read all her books except for two (One Perfect Summer and I Knew You Were Trouble) but they are on my kindle ready for me.
4) JK Rowling (8 books). Obviously I have read all the Harry Potter books. Then I was a bit reticent to read The Vacant as the reviews were quite mixed. Last year I finally read her cosy crime novel The Cukoo’s Calling (written under her pseudonym Robert Galbraith) and really enjoyed it. I now have the other two books on the series and I am looking forward to starting them.
5) Holly Martin (8 books). An author I discovered thanks to blogging and who has become one of my all time favourites. Her stories are so fun and magical! The only books I haven’t read by her are her fantasy books. I have the first one on my kindle so I hope to get to it soon.
6) Marian Keyes (8 books). Another fantastic author. I have loved most of her stories and she is one of those authors I have on auto-buy. I still have one of her older books (The Mystery of Mercy Close) to read though!
7) Meg Cabot (8 books). Internationally known for her A Princess’ Diary Series, she has written tons of books. Although I have to admit I haven’t read any of her books for years!
8) Ken Follett (8 books). One of my mum’s favourite authors, we used to read his books together. I really enjoy his historical fiction novels.
9) Nicholas Sparks (8 books). I remember reading Message in a Bottle for the first time more than 15 years ago (also because my mum had loved it and passed it to me) and since them I have read and loved several of his novels. A bunch left to read still!
10) Aven Ellis (6 books). The fantastic and lovely Aven closes this list. I discovered her thanks to blogging too and I have read and loved all she has written so far. It’ll soon be 7 books as she’s just published a new story and I already have it on my kindle.
So here they are, some of my all time favourite authors are on the list. But I have discovered so many amazing ones lately that I hope to catch up with! But you know, so many books, so little time and all that…
2 comentaris
I haven't heard of the last few of these and need to read the shopaholic series. I have read a few and then stopped.
ReplyDeleteI love the Shopaholic Series so much! Give it another go Tanya, Becky is the best! :)