Author Interviews
Christmas Fun Time
Hot Key Books
Kerry Drewery
Christmas Fun Time with Kerry Drewery
This year I've invited several authors and book bloggers for a fun Christmas Interview. My next guest is Kerry Drewery, author of Cell 7.
Hi Kerry and welcome. Tell me, would you rather spend Christmas on a turquoise water beach with a cocktail in your hand or in the Polar circle surrounded by husky puppies?
Absolutely in the Polar circle surrounded by husky puppies! I've been lucky enough to have been to the Artic Circle and it is the most magical beautiful place. I also love to snowboard so I could do that while I'm there.

Crikey, that's a hard one. I think it depends on the person and what kind of thing they like. I suppose it might be good to show them that books can be 'different' and push boundaries in how they tell stories, so I might go for Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.
Is there a movie or a book you always revisit during the holidays?
Gremlins! So good, such good fun, and Christmassy too!
What's your ultimate comfort food for Christmas?
My favourite Christmas comfort food is warm mince pies with a BIG dollop of brandy butter. The best way is to give them about 20 seconds in the microwave, then peel the lid back and put the brandy butter inside so it all melts! I make myself wait until December though.
Who's your Favourite Christmas Villain:
- The Grinch
- The angry elf in Elf
- Old Man Potter in It’s a Wonderful Life
- Scroonge in a Christmas Carol
Ooo...Christmas villain...hmmmm...I think I'd go for The Grinch. I am a massive Dr Seuss fan!
Blog address – https://kerrydreweryauthor.wordpress.com/
Twitter - @KerryDrewery
Cell 7 is out now with Hot Key Books. Get your copy now here!
Blurb: A world where justice and the fate of those accused of murder is decided by the public, but has moved on from the Roman Gladiator 'thumbs up or thumbs down' public vote, to a public vote by telephone. If you are voted innocent you are set free; if you are voted guilty you are committed to death by electric chair. Those awaiting their sentence reside in ever decreasing cells, getting smaller each day, until Day 7 and Cell 7, where they hear their fate.
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